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Promoting Integrity, Honesty, and Good faith in Public Life!

24th August 2022

Press Release

Register of Interests of the Members of the House of Assembly


The Integrity Commission advises that the Register of Interests for Members of the Turks and Caicos Islands House of Assembly, as at 31st December 2021 has been completed.

Members of the House of Assembly are required by the Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution, Section 103(2), and the Integrity Commission Ordinance (the Ordinance), as amended, Section 52(1), to file with the Commission, Statements of Registrable Interests.

The Commission would, therefore, like to inform members of the public that, it is has compiled the information contained in these Statements of Registrable Interests and has produced The Register of Interests 2021 for the Members of the House of Assembly, as at 31st December 2021.


The Register of Interests 2021 is now available for public inspection at the following locations:

  1. House of Assembly in Grand Turk
  2. Office of the Premier – Grand Turk and Providenciales
  3. Office of the Integrity Commission – Grand Turk and Providenciales (during the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm from Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 4:00pm on Fridays.)
  4. Office of the District Commissioner – Salt Cay, Middle Caicos, North Caicos and South Caicos.

 The Register can be viewed at these locations during normal working hours or at a time that is convenient for the respective offices.


For further information or any assistance please contact the Integrity Commission:

By telephone at:  946-1941(Grand Turk Office) or 941-7847 (Providenciales Office)

By e-mail at: or




Paul Martin


TCI Integrity Commission






  1. The Statements of Registrable Interests contain the following information relating to the member, his or her spouse and children:


  • Particulars of any directorship held in any company or other corporate body;
  • Particulars of any contract(s) with Government;
  • The name of any company (s) of which he or she is an investor;
  • A concise description of any Trust to which he or she is a beneficiary or trustee;
  • Any beneficial interest held in land;
  • Particulars of any political, trade or professional association to which he or she belongs;
  • Particulars relating to sources of income; and
  • Any other substantial interest whether of a pecuniary nature or not which may raise a material conflict of interest between his private interests and his public duty.


  1. All Members of the House of Assembly have filed their respective Statements of Registrable Interests for 2021. The Commission has taken time to examine these Statements and has confirmed the accuracy of the respective entries with each Member.  
  2. All House of Assembly Members are required to file their Register of Interest by 31st March each year.