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Promoting Integrity, Honesty, and Good faith in Public Life!

What is a Breach of the Code

The Code of Conduct was prepared by the Integrity Commission and published on November 7th, 2012. This was done following island-wide consultations and in the furtherance of its mandate under Section 102 of the Constitution to promote integrity, honesty, and good faith in public life in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The main objective of the Code of Conduct is to regulate the behavior of public officials whether they are Ministers, Members of the House of Assembly, Public Servants, Special Advisers, Heads, and Members of Statutory Boards or other Public Bodies. The Code obliges them to observe and uphold the principles and highest standards of selflessness, integrity, probity, accountability, openness, honesty, and objectivity.

A contravention to the Code of Conduct or a breach of the code has occurred when a public official fails to adhere to the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct.

All reported or detected cases, where a contravention of the code of conduct may have occurred, must be investigated by the integrity commission with the only exception being if the date of the initiation of the investigation exceeds two years from which the person ceased to be in public life.

Integrity Matters Talk Show - Enforcement

Episode 3