1st May 2023
SUBJECT: Guidelines for the Filing of Declarations for Specified Persons in Public Life
The Integrity Commission wishes to inform the public and, in particular, to remind the Specified Persons in Public Life (Declarants), as set out below and in Schedule 1, that they must file their Declarations of Income, Assets and Liabilities, as required by Section 39 of the TCI Integrity Commission Ordinance.
The filing of declarations will take place, on an on-going basis, during the months of May and June 2023.
All Declarants are required to deliver their completed Declaration forms, along with the relevant supporting documents, in person, at an office of the Commission, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Declarants will be contacted individually, with a specific date, time and location, for delivery of declaration forms.
Specified Persons in Public Life include the following:
- All Specified Persons in Public Life who made their last filing on or before 30th June 2021.
- All persons who are appointed to Statutory Boards, effective 1st April 2023, or thereafter.
- All Specified Persons in Public Life who are appointed, within the TCIG Government, effective 1st April 2023, or thereafter.
- All persons who are no longer sitting members of Statutory Boards, as at 31st March 2023.
- All persons who have resigned their posts, or whose contracts have not been renewed, within the TCIG Government, are required to file within 90 days of the end of their tenure.
- All other persons who are considered Specified Persons in Public Life, but who would not have been aware of their obligation to file, under section 39 the Integrity Commission Ordinance.
Declaration Forms are available on the Commission’s website at: www.integritycommission.tc.
For any inquiries about an appointment, please call 946-1941 or 941-7847 or send an email to info@integritycommission.tc
For those declarants who fail to attend their scheduled appointment, please be mindful of the following:
A failure, without reasonable cause, to file a Declaration is a criminal offence, punishable with imprisonment for 1 year, or a fine of $15,000, or both. In addition, the Commission is, among other things, obligated to publish the fact of such failure in the Gazette.
All Declarations are confidential documents. Please DO NOT submit your completed Declaration form through a third party, or via electronic or surface mail.
Persons who have filed a Declaration during the calendar year 2022 and, were required to do so at that time as per regular filing cycle, will NOT be required to file in 2023.
Schedule 1 below details all Specified Persons in Public Life (Declarants) who are required to file a declaration.
(Section 2)
- Members of the House of Assembly
- Members of Cabinet
- Deputy Governor
- Permanent Secretaries
- Under Secretaries/Deputies Secretaries (or post of equivalent rank)
- Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the House of Assembly
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Auditor
- Accountant General
- Complaints Commissioner
- Chief Economist
- Chief Statistician
- Chief Medical Officer
- Heads of Department
- Director and Deputy Director of Planning
- Director and Deputy Director of Surveys and Mapping
- Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Deeds
- Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Lands
- Director and Deputy Director of Education
- Director and Deputy Director of Immigration
- Collector and Deputy Collector of Customs
- Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of Lands
- Chief and Deputy Chief Valuation Officer
- Deputy Heads of Departments, where the Head of Department is not called a Director
- Deputy Attorney General
- Crown Counsel
- Clerk of Courts
- Registrar and of Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court
- Supervisor of Elections
- Members of the Public Service Commission
- Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner and Officers at or above the rank of Superintendent
- Special Advisers (Inserted by L.N. 64/2012)
- Members and Staff Members of the Integrity Commission
- Chairman, Executive Officers, Directors, Deputy Directors and Members of any body referred to in paragraph (d) of the definition of “public body” in the Ordinance
- Any person who has a statutory duty to record the minutes of meetings of a commission, statutory board, public authority or other body referred to in item 34 who signs the entity’s books and is involved in its business and affairs
- Any person who acts in an office referred to in this Schedule for a continuous period of six months or more.
(Amended by Ord. 1 of 2009 and 15 of 2010, L.Ns. 7/2012, 29/2012 and 64/2012 and s. 6(1) Turks and Caicos Constitution Order 2011)